Friday, May 25, 2012


Bedford Public Library
2424 Forest Ridge Dr., Bedford, TX 76021
Host: Maria Redburn

Our first site visit of the Bedford Public Library was a great example of the use of Sustainability in the design of a building.  
Our tour was under the expert guidance of Library Manager, Maria Redburn.   She was very knowledable about all the impressive features that had been incorporated into the design of the new Library.   

This very modern and efficient building is actually an adaptive reuse of an old Food Lion Store.   It was amazing how they were able to build a library almost twice the size of the older one and yet keep electrical cost almost the same…..with all the new energy efficient features added  they  have lowered their energy costs by 50 percent.

The City of Bedford was able to use grants received to increase services without the increase in costs a building of this size would have normally had.  The Library received over $2.1 Million in grants, one from the State Energy and Conservation Office (SECO) for $1.9 million and the other from Oncor in the amount of $175,000.

With these grants...the Library was able to get maximum efficiency out of their new building  ...they even have a great solar kiosk in the main lobby to monitor their energy consumption in real-time.

Geothermal heat pump system with 150 wells buried underground is used to cool and heat the Library using the earth’s core temperature.  Hot and cold air is cycled in the wells to bring them to earth’s core temperature to decrease the high temperature gaps that usually make heating and cooling so costly.

Reflective white roof and solar panels on roof are used to increase efficiency of buildings HVAC system.   These panels help generate enough energy to provide for the majority of the Library’s daily energy consumption.

T-8 Lighting, strategically placed Low-E windows to capture natural lighting and motion sensors in every room save on lighting cost.  These were simple features added with great cost cutting benefits

Native Texas plants and drought-resistant landscaping is cutting costs on landscaping maintenance. Automated Material Handling- the Library was able to save on Manpower costs by freeing up library workers with this automated book sprter.  Books are placed in drop box and are automatically directed to the sorter which scans then bar codes and checks books back in and sorts them for faster re-shelving.  Although upfront cost was about half a million dollars, this sorter will pay for itself after 7 years

Overall...this was a great Library and its an example other City's need fo follow to meet citizen's needs for services without comprimising services due to budget constraints.

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